Those of you that know me know that I love street art, I love the vibrant colourful walls of the Inner West and I love that our street artists are getting out there and appreciated for their art. But have we forgotten to have fun?
Recently someone has been brave enough to get creative with Brad Robson’s, Woman’s Honour mural, painted in 2019. It’s subtle and funny and when I saw this, you know what, I laughed. It’s clever and just the kind of thing that has always appealed to me.
When did we all get so serious?
This year has been horrible and serious and more than ever I’ve needed to have a good laugh. There was a time all I needed to do was walk the laneways of Newtown and find plenty of humorous writings on the walls to keep me entertained.
Don’t get me wrong I love Brad Robson’s mural, and I appreciate what the council is doing to colour our walls with art but god I miss the random writing on the walls.
Bring back graffiti, bring back fun!