For years tunnels built to allow people to cross safely under railway lines have been a favourite site for graffiti. Petersham Station subway, like most tunnels in the Inner West has always been heavily graffitied and not a very safe or inviting space for local residents who often have to use these tunnels on their daily commute.
This year the Inner West council in collaboration with Sydney Trains have commissioned artwork as part of the Perfect Match Contemporary Art Program to paint the tunnel, preventing unwanted graffiti through fostering legitimate art in public spaces.
Called “Vanishing
Point” this artwork is a collaborative works by local artists Tim Phibs,
Brad Eastman, James P Simon and George Rose. The mural creates a visual journey
for commuters as the travel throughout the tunnel. Geometric patterns derived
from aerial photographs of the railway tracks.
This mural is a celebration of contemporary street art, the acknowledging of traditional owners of this land and dedicated team of people who believe that fighting the battle against graffiti is not won by covering walls with brown but often more successfully received when bringing art to the public while offering a showcase for our local artists.

Sydney Trains, strict zero tolerance to graffiti along with the Heritage listing of the Tunnel mean this project almost did not go ahead, being bogged down in bureaucratic paperwork. But council was dedicated to the pursuit of the project along with the determination of the artists meant the success of this landmark piece.
While openly admitting years ago he may have once been responsible for some of the graffiti in the tunnel, he is now fortunate enough to make a career out of his skills. Street art projects such as these can be inspiring to young artist considering a future in the arts.
The inner west is Sydney’s spiritual home of street art. This past 10 years has seen a significant shift from illicit tagging and graffiti to the more contemporary street art pieces being seen. This can only be attributed to more social acceptance, tolerance and projects such as this one that allows the artists the time and funding to truly show us what they can achieve.
So if your out and about Sydney – make sure you hop off at Petersham Station and go see this wonderful piece of street art.
PERFECT MATCH Street Art of the inner West